Digital Construction Archive Saar+

Interregional Workshop 'Digital Building Archive Saar / Greater Region
at the htw saar / School of Architecture Saar 

Digital Construction Archive Saar+

Interregional Workshop 'Digital Building Archive Saar / Greater Region
at the htw saar / School of Architecture Saar 

Summary of the Interregional Workshop of October 29 and 30, 2021.

The subject of the workshop is the development of joint strategies and cross-border thematic areas for the structural establishment of an interdisciplinary, university and institutionally collaborative, digital, publicly accessible research, information, communication network for post-war architecture in the Greater Region.
The long-term goal is the development of an interactive, trilingual building archive for modern post-war architecture in the greater region. The archive is to enable new cross-border and comparative research by linking to digitalized and already existing documentation of post-war architecture - individual buildings (educational, sacral, cultural) and settlements - in the greater region and thus a new gain in knowledge regarding the historically grown greater region across borders. Socio-politically relevant questions concerning the regional building culture in the Saarland will be asked and interregional cooperation possibilities will be created. The Bauarchiv will also explore temporal and spatial change in the border region and the nature of knowledge transfer in and through architecture in its materiality of digital and social spaces. Questions about the added value of an interregional building culture in the context of a Europe of the regions will be discussed. Conceived as a publicly accessible and trilingual research and information platform, existing architectural archives will be digitally networked, architectural bequests will be digitized, and reciprocal exhibitions and artistic explorations of architecture will bring the common building culture of the post-war period in the greater region into cross-border view and into the public eye for the first time.

The construction archive is to be laid out on three levels:

  1. cross-border collaborations on academic and institutional levels through a digital, trilingual platform for networking research projects, existing documentation and archives, and communication with the public
  2. Digitization and multimedia forms of representation of architecture through augmented reality, interactive mapping, film documentations and localizations through different time and space levels
  3. Presentation of socio-political, cross-border contexts through stories of buildings - architecture along biographies of architects (especially those working across borders), links to further literature and sources. The content of the digital archive focuses on regional monument protection and use; regional and inter-regional building culture, cultural and national identity; Franco-German relations, inter-national post-war history and socio-political influences in the border region of the Greater Region.